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percycymru New comer as I am, looking for someone would give me help in learn Portuguese and in return for friendship and for my Chinese (Cantonese)
December 31 at 08:32am
felipealfonsog hi perhaps we can chat a bit. my mother tongue is Spanish and soon I'm gonna move to Auckland. Cheerio! Felipe.
December 31 at 01:05am
felipealfonsog hi how are you? perhaps we can chat a bit. Cheerio! Felipe.
December 31 at 01:04am
frenchie707 Hi I'm Claire! I speak fluent French and English and some Spanish and am looking to learn Italian or German. Message me if you're interested!
Idan-beersheva hey, I know hebrew and want to learn english. want to talk so we can learn from each other?
December 28 at 12:38pm
martinhoe Hello! I'm looking for languages tutors, they can be just native people of the language, or real professors. I set up a platform for the language improvement with native speakers with the possibility for the natives to quickly create exercises (And sell them if they wish). Nothing to install everything is online. We are not competitors of learning websites, we aims to enable students to practice what they have learned with language teachers. If you are interested in the idea, please register as tutor ( and you can also register as student for other languages ) Thank you!
December 28 at 01:54am
AdonisK Hello, I'm a native English speaker, looking to improve my Greek. In exchange, I will happily help you learn english. If you are interested in becoming pen pals, message me or write on my wall :)
December 27 at 04:39pm
AdonisK Hello, I'm a native English speaker, looking to improve my Greek. I am also perfectly happy to teach english in exchange.
December 27 at 04:35pm
CrisantemoDelCarrione Hello! I'm German and I'm looking for a Norwegian native who is patient enough to teach me his language and/or wants to learn German. I'm (nearly) fluent in English and Italian, so I could also help with these languages! Greetings, Crisantemo! :)