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fadyramzy Hello I would like to have english language partner I can help in arabic ;) please email me on because this site has limited message a day cheers August 08 at 03:36am |
fadyramzy Hello I would like to have english language partner I can help in arabic ;) please email me on because this site has limited message a day cheers August 08 at 03:30am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca l look into your profile today,and i become interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 07 at 09:58am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca l look into your profile today,and i become interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 07 at 09:58am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca l look into your profile today,and i become interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 06 at 09:37am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca l look into your profile today,and i become interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 06 at 09:36am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 05 at 07:01am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 05 at 06:59am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 04 at 08:37am |
mylu4u Bonjour cher, Mon nom est Mlle Rebecca et moi a votre profil aujourd'hui, je me suis intéressé j'ai quelque chose de spécial que je veux discute de l'avec vous, mais je trouve qu'il est difficile de m'exprimer ici, car c'est un site.If public, vous acceptez être proche à écrire moi au: ( pour plus de détails sur moi, merci Rebecca Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 04 at 08:36am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 03 at 10:35am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 03 at 10:35am |
Abdeutschramon Bonjour à Tous! je suis nouveau parmi-vous,mais je suis depuis lontemps passionné de langues vivantes notamment : dans les Langues suivantes: Française , Anglaise et Russe et donc je lance une proposition de partenariat en vue de pratiquer ces trois Langues (pour ne pas perdre ces langues) ! Je réside en Algérie , très ouvert , aimable et doué d'un sens élevé de sensibilité Amicale. Surtout ne vous laisser pas "impressionner" par ma maitrise parfaite du Français car je suis presque "nul" en Anglais et en Russe : Bienvenue ! faut pas hésiter ! August 03 at 07:16am |
mylu4u Hello dear, My name is Miss Rebecca and l got your profile today,i got interested i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.if you accept be close with write me back at: ( for more details about me, thanks Rebecca August 02 at 02:10am |