latinarica i am really happy to have the chance to make friends of different cultures
January 05 at 05:32pm
meensoo Hi, lama89. I leave my massage as i found your Korean language '안녕하세요' with pleasure. You're a student.. I hope you to work successfully and to accomplish your aim. It's so cold. Take care.
pavlitos Hola, estoy bien! Y tú? como es la vida en Mexico? dispculpame si no puedes entender pero es la primera vez kai hablo o escribo en español a una persona kai ese griega! :)
January 05 at 03:02pm
Jannnys Ola, queria aprender inglês britânico. Ficar bem fluente, pois daqui uns anos irei morar no Canadá, mas prefiro o inglês britânico do que o outro. Se puder me ajudar! Obrigada
January 05 at 02:30pm
dabisy thank you for message! =) check your email!
January 05 at 11:09am
daffolina Hey, im from italy, im searching people that could help me improve my french : ) i could teach you italian as well! :*