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salman21133 hallo i can teach you hindi so please add me i want to learn german April 28 at 04:43am |
Estefis I can help you in Spanish :D April 27 at 10:46pm |
Estefis Hello I speak perfectly the Spanish, but still not very much English, please help me! April 27 at 10:46pm |
Mollybug1 Hola! Me llamo Molly, y hablo ingles perfectamente, pero yo tengo que practicar espanol:) ayudame, por favor? April 27 at 10:38pm |
Mollybug1 Hola! Me llamo Molly y yo quiero a aprender espanol! Yo se unos verbos y palabras, pero no hablo mucho. Tambien, hablo Ingles perfectamente! April 27 at 10:36pm |
alimahlove Hello Dear, How are you today?I wish you a happy new year to you! my Name is miss Alimah.i saw your profile on your website on here, I am a female,single never been married , i have no kids i am looking for a good and kind foreign partner that i can trust in my life. please If you are interested in knowing more about me in this relationship you can send me an email at ( will be waiting to hear from you With love. your Alimah. April 27 at 08:59pm |
alimahlove Hello Dear, How are you today?I wish you a happy new year to you! my Name is miss Alimah.i saw your profile on your website on here, I am a female,single never been married , i have no kids i am looking for a good and kind foreign partner that i can trust in my life. please If you are interested in knowing more about me in this relationship you can send me an email at ( will be waiting to hear from you With love. your Alimah. April 27 at 08:59pm |
Yasmin_Cecato well, I'm new here! help me! hahaha April 27 at 06:42pm |
Elvira Ciao! Posso aiutarti con russo. April 27 at 12:50pm |
ilovelanguages hello im new and would love to learn korean and japaneses will sommeone please help me April 27 at 12:37pm |
ethel I can help you with Spanish, I need to improve my English pronunciation April 27 at 07:51am |
ethel yes, I speak spanish, I am from Honduras, In central AMerica. April 27 at 07:33am |
Harmonica Hallo, uh, I am german, looking for someone who's speaking english, with a good theoretical understanding of the language, and who's willing to help me with my flaws. I can offer lessons in german, or german history (if some twisted mind outthere should be also interested in this topic by chance). I also could give you a professional class for photoshop / photography. Feel free to write me an email to if this account should drop inactive. April 27 at 07:03am |
Yopi Um, you can do whatever you like. Like from the basic stuff of learning Korean. :) April 27 at 01:36am |