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laledbetter laledbetter I would like to learn Albanian better. Do te doja te mesoja gjuhen shqipe me mire sesa kuptoj tashti. Banova nje vite ne veriu e shqiperise, after Lezhes. Kur isha ne Shqipni, mesoja gjuhen angleze per nxenese ne moshen 8-18.
July 06 at 06:03pm
laledbetter laledbetter Pershendetje, kam deshire te mesoj shqipen. Ka dikush qe do te doje te me mesoje? Banova nje vite ne veriu e Shqiperise. Une flas gjuhen angleze. I believe I can help you improve your English! Mesova pak anglisht per nxenese ne Shqiperi kur isha atje. Shpresoj te kthehem nje dite. Prandaj, kam qejf te vazhdoj mesimet.
July 06 at 05:53pm
megharbi megharbi hello
July 06 at 02:59pm
illusionist illusionist i found that u are learning Arabic and i was looking for some one to practice my English with if u r interested please let me know thank u so much have a good time :)
July 06 at 02:59pm
illusionist illusionist i found that u are learning Arabic and i was looking for some one to practice my English with if u r interested please let me know thank u so much have a good time :)
July 06 at 02:58pm
lucia33 lucia33 Hi How are you? i saw your profile and it a nice one, i like it, let be friends, just contact me via e-mail (luciaduke1@yahoo.com) in order to send you my picture. Love and Kiss from lucia
July 06 at 08:50am
cabardian cabardian hi lucia my name is Elif nice to meet you.ı want to learn english you help me please take care
July 06 at 08:42am
lucia33 lucia33 Hi How are you? i saw your profile and it a nice one, i like it, let be friends, in order to send you my picture. Love and Kiss from Lucia
July 06 at 07:48am
ebbd02 ebbd02 Hello Dear, Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. (mariam2doumbia@yahoo.com) I really care for your relationship Mariam.
July 04 at 10:13pm
ebbd02 ebbd02 Hello Dear, Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. (mariam2doumbia at mail.com) I really care for your relationship Mariam.
July 04 at 10:04pm
ThiagoAlves ThiagoAlves hello...could u help me with the english??? and i help u with he portuguese??
July 02 at 07:00pm
megharbi megharbi hello sophiesophiet!
July 01 at 11:54am
CarloIrany CarloIrany Hi there, if you whant i can help you practive portuguese. Bye
June 29 at 11:54am
Verecka Verecka Hello, I'm Vera. Can you help me can to practice English;)
June 29 at 10:44am
Lavender Lavender Hi. I'm from Vietnam. I'm learning English. Nice to make friends with all of u :)
June 29 at 10:28am