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biatebaby Hello Dear, My name is Miss faith, I saw your profile and I'm interested in knowing you and being friendly with you ( is my private email address. I would like you to contact me back so that you know me better and I send my photo to you. I look forward to hearing from you, Sincerely in love faith
January 07 at 04:26am
biatebaby Hello Dear, My name is Miss faith, I saw your profile and I'm interested in knowing you and being friendly with you ( is my private email address. I would like you to contact me back so that you know me better and I send my photo to you. I look forward to hearing from you, Sincerely in love faith
January 07 at 04:23am
Jinhee Hello. Thank you very much Lwhitton. I'm very glad to meet you. : )
tettarose Bonjour! Je m'apelle Therese et je suis du Texas - les etats unis. j'ai etudier francais pour sept ans, mais j'ai oubliais beaucoup.Je voudrais apprendre à mieux français en pratiquant avec un locuteur natif
January 06 at 10:33am
tettarose Bonjour! Je m'apelle Therese et je suis due Texas - les etats unis. j'ail etudier francais pour sept ans, mais j'ai oubliais beaucoup.Je voudrais apprendre à mieux français en pratiquant avec un locuteur natif
syaf Hello I will help anyone with arabic , in turn I hope from him/her to help me with English.
January 06 at 03:35am
lwhitton Hi! I am very new to Seoul and the Korean language. I have some experience teaching advanced English. Please get in touch if you are interested in an exchange. Thanks!
January 05 at 11:29pm
lwhitton Hi! I am very new to Seoul and the Korean language. I have some experience teaching advanced English. Please get in touch if you are interested in an exchange. Thanks!
January 05 at 11:29pm
amengirl Hi,I dunno how to speak italian or french either,but can u teach me how to speak Italian?
January 05 at 11:02pm
amengirl hi,anyone there who can teach me how to speak Italian?