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arabic_tutor Hi, ..... How are you?! My name is Adel from Egypt. I saw in your profile that you are learning Arabic. If you are really serious about it, I can teach you. I am an Arabic tutor and I teach online. I can offer you a reading course that lasts approximately 40 days.also i can teach you any Arabic level ...i At the end of this, you will be able to read and write down any Arabic word in the Arabic script. The first lesson is complimentary to reassure you that you have indeed found a good teacher. It is my passion to teach others the Arabic language. If you decide to take advantage of this great opportunity, we can meet on Skype for your first lesson. You have nothing to lose by trying, so enjoy your free lesson today! ;)
meensoo Hi Kristin.. How are you? You are super excited… HaHa… I think it is worth so… I know Seoul well. Cuz I live in Seoul for 30 years and also my office is here. Let me know your question. By the way, Happy New Year~!!
December 29 at 11:39pm
Jinhee Hello Kristin. I'm a Seoulite. Nice to meet you. : )
December 29 at 07:20pm
kristin_ Hello! Im super excited about going to Seoul! Im considering taking a one week languagecourse before school start, do you know of any in Seoul? -Krsitin