Fluent Future
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Xinni Xinni omg...German is so difficult, why there are no rules in his garmmar. who can teach me.. I can teach you chinese for exchange :)
June 02 at 08:33am
WhiteSiroi WhiteSiroi Hello, I'm speaking Russian and Ukraine as native language, English "so-so"^^. I'm learning Japanese. My skype --> WhiteSiroi. こんにちは!はじめまして! 私はアルテムです。僕は日本に行きたい。 スカイプをよく使いますから、気軽にコンタクトを追加してください! スカイプのIdはWhiteSiroiです。 宜しくお願いします!
June 02 at 08:13am
plamka plamka Hi i am from Bulgaria but now i live in Spain and i must to learn spanish fast please help me
June 02 at 07:14am
Domenec Domenec hello
June 02 at 05:44am
Domenec Domenec hello
June 02 at 05:44am
leechangsuomma leechangsuomma till now my account still not activate
June 02 at 12:27am
kashifriaz90 kashifriaz90 i am a expert in all arabic skills
June 01 at 09:57pm
isistrindade isistrindade Time to study
June 01 at 04:30pm
Nusantara Nusantara hello
June 01 at 10:32am
r2k1 r2k1 Hi. I’m living in iran-tehran and i'm looking for someone who helps me to improve my speaking ability apparently you are looking for someone too. So i'm ready to help you in any field of Farsi language. I don’t know how fluent your Farsi speaking is but i can’t speak English fast so it may be a little boring for you but i promise that i will improve it fast of course with your help.
June 01 at 09:53am
naina naina i wana learn french please add me on naina_bhatia18@yahoo.com.....
June 01 at 09:08am
sohib sohib iam friendly and open heart i love makeing friends indeed .
June 01 at 08:20am
Aatif Aatif Hi , Am Mr.Aatif sudan I wish to communicate
June 01 at 04:40am
hassan892 hassan892 skypee id is hassanaijaz
June 01 at 04:00am
paulpaulpaul paulpaulpaul Hi, I tried to add you to my MSN.
June 01 at 03:02am