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loveindanelson loveindanelson (lovindanelson@yahoo.in) Hello My Friend, Please do not be offended to receive this massage, My Name is Miss Lovinda Nelson; I saw your profile today and become very interest to be your friend And i have an important issue to discuse with you. Please contact me directly on my private email address (lovindanelson@yahoo.in) that will enable me to explain my self to you and then we will move from there, Please contact me urgently on my email ID. Arrange my email address and put it together so that you will be able to reach me, Yours Friend Miss Lovinda Nelson.
February 12 at 03:34pm
ramih ramih hi
February 12 at 09:59am
zahra zahra hi
February 10 at 11:23pm
imansamet imansamet للّهـــم آميـــن بَينْ إسمِي وَأسمْ جَدي ، يَقعُ أسمُ رَجُلٍ أفتَخرُ بِه ♥:) ! اللهم توله برحمتك واحفظه واجعلنا واياه من الذاكرين لنا ذكرا كثيراااااااا
February 10 at 03:25pm
SmileSun SmileSun Want just to talk about any things you prefer to improve each other's speaking skills. Warning: I'm not good at this stuff, speaking I mean. But I'm patient so if you're not sure in your Russian I can listen you as much as you need =)
February 10 at 11:11am
SmileSun SmileSun Hi! =3 Fell strange 'cause never tried to communicate with people from other coutries. That's kinda strange.)
February 10 at 11:08am
love121 love121 Hello Dear, I saw your profile today in this site (www.fluentfuture.com) and i stopped to take a very good look at it. I want you to know that i will be intrested to know you better because you sounded very sweet in your profile and i will like us to become friends and know eachother the more. Here is my email address (l.mabouamina@yahoo.com) send me an email today please! Yours forever, maina(Remember that distance,age or colour does not matter in a real relationship but love matters alot). I am waiting for your reply now!
February 09 at 09:58am
love121 love121 hi
February 09 at 09:55am
JattyJat JattyJat I am trying to improve my French, im a beginner.
February 08 at 08:45pm
rcviani rcviani hey there! i´m from brazil and i want to improve my english! i´ve just joined this website so i don´t really know how this works! haha
February 07 at 02:47pm
mabelbaby mabelbaby Hello cann we be friend.Kindly write me with this email addresse( mabelbemba914@yahoo.com
February 05 at 05:10pm
mabelbaby mabelbaby Hello cann we be friend.Kindly write me with this email addresse
February 05 at 05:10pm
alichen alichen Hello,i am interested to improve my English and German,i can help you to learn Arabic.
February 05 at 11:45am
Mohaali Mohaali Hello, I see that you are interested in learning Arabic I can help you with that if you help me to improve my English
February 01 at 10:36am
Mohaali Mohaali Hello, I see that you are interested in learning Arabic I can help you with that if you help me to improve my English
February 01 at 10:35am