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Jay-Kim Hi I just so your note. I don't live near Busan, however, my friend live in there. She is kind and need some friend. If you are okey, I may give her E-mail.
February 19 at 11:32pm
Kamel-kk Hi Obrien i really want to help you learn Arabic and improve my English but actually i dont know how so tell me if you prefer a certain way
February 19 at 01:17pm
Dctrjkl Hi, add me to FB if you like, I'm a native english speaker living in the USA. Sam White ( )
February 19 at 12:17pm
fathin21 what your FB name??i also active FB ,,everyday online ..lets be friend there
February 19 at 03:16am
beccahardisty1 Hi, i've just joined this website, i'm an English teacher in Korea and I was hoping to learn some more Korean, in exchange I could teach you some English? Let me no if you're interested! I live in Jangyu, so near to Busan.