News feed
gomdoli HI. I want to learn ENGLISH & JAPANESE. January 08 at 04:37am |
Fatouggg Hello dear, Greetings to you,My name is Fatu, i view your profile in this site and i decide to communicate with you, it will be my pleasure if you will be my friend, i wish if you will respond to my mail box so that i will tell you more about my self.and sent you my photo, i hope to hear from you. yours Fatou. Email January 08 at 04:37am |
Fatouggg Hello dear, Greetings to you,My name is Fatu, i view your profile in this site and i decide to communicate with you, it will be my pleasure if you will be my friend, i wish if you will respond to my mail box so that i will tell you more about my self.and sent you my photo, i hope to hear from you. yours Fatou. Email January 08 at 04:37am |
sakae hello pls teach me korian languages im enteresting to learn how i speak korian. January 08 at 02:36am |
layda Hello! I speak Spanish! So, I can help you January 07 at 09:01pm |
layda Hello! I speak Spanish! So, I can help you January 07 at 08:59pm |
tettarose je ne sais pas "jaimrais". comment dit on en anglais? January 07 at 06:22pm |
tettarose bonjour, dounia! Je m'appelle Therese. merci! je pense que j'ecris OK, mais mon vocabulaire et la grammaire besoin d'aide! je vous remercie de m'avoir aide! January 07 at 04:17pm |
nozbyn Bonjour Tettarose, je m'appel dounia et jaimrais vous aidez a amélioré votre Français. January 07 at 03:42pm |
tettarose merci, j'ai juste vu votre poste. Je cherche quelqu'un au français de pratique avec. Seriez-vous disposés à m'aider à m'améliorer ? January 07 at 03:34pm |
gs500 Hi all I'm new to the site as well as the languages I'd like to learn mandarin and tagalog. I can help you with your english, so please if your intersted in exchanging languages and meeting a new friend hit me up...Thanks!! January 07 at 12:51pm |
IvanChef Hi I am new to FluentFuture, I am wanting to improve my German and meet new people January 07 at 11:26am |
keeptalking 안녕하세요! Hello! I saw your profile and am interested in speaking with you. If you are interested to know more about me, please e-mail me. January 07 at 08:15am |