News feed
rezarst i'm reza from iran i wanna learn english and make a friend May 21 at 06:40am |
rezarst hi my name iis Reza from iran if u want to learn persian please send to me a message May 21 at 06:33am |
alpha_one1 someone who can me help with my english? :D May 20 at 05:26pm |
sercan Hi, I can help you to learn Turkish language. :) May 20 at 12:17pm |
Naeyeoung oh~it's so nice to hear that you r Aussie~~ cuz i like Aussie better than kiwi.. lol just kidding.. if you need any help to enhance your Korean.. just feel free to email me .. or you can just leave your thought on my page in this website too :) May 19 at 08:10am |
Emjae24 Hello, happy to help you with your English, I'm traveling to Korea for work soon which is why I wish to learn :) May 19 at 04:19am |
Emjae24 Hello big wide web world! I'm traveling to Korea for work and need to learn some Korean, happy to teach English in return. May 19 at 03:59am |
elias057 hello are you intersted to learn englich pleas May 19 at 03:19am |
essy2000 Hello, My name is Esther, am a girl and please i really want to be your good friend, i hope that you will grant my request with good faith, thanks and i really care, you can have my private e-mail address below and please write to me to my e-mail address and i will send you more of my pictures i promise you with my good heart, just feel free and contact me with my private e-mail address below and we will talk very well there. ( ) thanks and please bear with me. God bless. May 18 at 03:58pm |
essy2000 Hello, My name is Esther, am a girl and please i really want to be your good friend, i hope that you will grant my request with good faith, thanks and i really care, you can have my private e-mail address below and please write to me to my e-mail address and i will send you more of my pictures i promise you with my good heart, just feel free and contact me with my private e-mail address below and we will talk very well there. ( ) thanks and please bear with me. God bless. May 18 at 03:57pm |
inmh my sykpee account is futurepharoah May 18 at 02:16am |
inmh my sykpee account is futurepharoah May 18 at 02:15am |
neonmerlin Site limits messages to other users to 2/day. I can be reached by email at May 17 at 08:19am |
rezarst i'm reza from iran i wanna learn english and make a friend May 17 at 05:38am |
inmh hi ,what's up,i want to learn english, May 17 at 01:03am |