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Katerine_ Katerine_ Hi everyone!
December 29 at 03:59pm
paulalmgill paulalmgill Hope evry one has a very Happy New Year and anyone want to help me with my german, just contact me. See you all soon.
December 29 at 11:25am
chenly chenly Hi,i hope to make correspondance with you for improving my french i speak 3 languages : chinese, english and french so if you accept then let me know, bye.
December 27 at 01:03am
blessing12 send me mail.......................(blessing33and33@hotmail.com) Hello My name is Blessing i saw your profile today and became intrested in you, i will also like to know you more, and if you can send an email to my email address, i will give you my pictures here is my email address (blessing33and33@hotmail.com) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above Blessing (Remeber the distance or age or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL ME HERE ON (blessing33and33@hotmail.com) FOR MORE EXPLAINATION
December 26 at 04:28pm
blessing12 send me mail.......................(blessing33and33@hotmail.com) Hello My name is Blessing i saw your profile today and became intrested in you, i will also like to know you more, and if you can send an email to my email address, i will give you my pictures here is my email address (blessing33and33@hotmail.com) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above Blessing (Remeber the distance or age or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL ME HERE ON (blessing33and33@hotmail.com) FOR MORE EXPLAINATION
December 26 at 04:28pm
Nick_285 Nick_285 hello
December 26 at 08:12am
isistrindade isistrindade It's late,but...Merry Christmas everyone!
December 25 at 08:56pm
caredes caredes Happy Christmas :)
December 25 at 04:54pm
pitumr pitumr amal
December 24 at 10:00pm
albychan86 albychan86 Happy christmas to all!
December 24 at 02:28pm
memodrums memodrums hi Annien , my name is Guillermo i'm from mexico, would you like to learn spanish? i know it, is easy, i would like to learn english :) los dos nos podemos ayudar amiga
December 23 at 02:10pm
memodrums memodrums would you like to learn spanish , i teach you free, but if you teach me english :) my email is memo_fallen@hotmail.com
December 23 at 01:49pm
justina2210 justina2210 justina5555@yahoo.com My dear, send me your email address in the box justina5555@yahoo.com), so I sent my picture and tell you about me more dear.justina OK Bye, Bye Bye KISS YOUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
December 23 at 05:21am
superedu superedu Add me if you wanna chat with me.msn: philosophia_aude@hotmail.com
December 22 at 03:58pm
Christybaby Hello, I am a young girl of middle age Christiana by name,I will like us to be friends for something important which i will like to share with you,I hope you don"t mind being my friend.I will like to know you more,and i want you to send an email to my private email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email(christianc44love@yahoo.co.uk) (Remember the distance ,age and colour does not matter but love and understanding matters allot in life) Please contact me direct to my address christianc44love@yahoo.co.uk Thanks Christiana.
December 20 at 02:16pm