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leahprincess leahprincess hi
June 19 at 03:24am
hafizali11 hafizali11 anyone want to learn quran then reply me 03147976461
June 18 at 01:33pm
vincent_rots vincent_rots hello can you help me pls how to activate my account to add many friend like you?
June 18 at 12:45pm
heimianpilu521 heimianpilu521 my e-mail is heimianpilu521@hotmail.com
June 18 at 12:38pm
heimianpilu521 heimianpilu521 hello, are you looking for exchange learning between korean to english? and i am seeking for the people who can teach me korean with english as exchange! so if you interesting, just send me message.
June 18 at 12:38pm
sergiondresu sergiondresu kon nichi wa watachi wa sergio desu dozo yoroshiku, you may write me, thos we might help us each other, I need learn english
June 18 at 10:16am
Arman_Engineer Arman_Engineer I finally set up my skype. What is Ur ID?
June 18 at 10:01am
anglophonebdx anglophonebdx I can teach or exchange english for french, in Bordeaux or by Skype
June 18 at 05:42am
shahraml3 shahraml3 seconds give an opportunity to make my world again
June 18 at 05:39am
valente valente add me on skype my id is valente5898 i can teach english
June 17 at 11:19pm
ebra1392 ebra1392 Alsalamo Alykom..I am a teacher of Arabic language, I teach it for non-native speakers online . Is here any one want to learn Quran and Arabic? I know you myself: My name is Ibrahim. I holds a doctorate(PHD) in Arabic language. My nationality Egypt Please enter this email ebra1392@yahoo.com I am teaching Arabic online on skype My ID is : ebra1392 And I use some websites during explanining when I write some words you see it in your computer I teach it to many nationalities 'English ' French ' Germany….. etc I teach it with a suitable money. If there any Muslims want to learn im ready Akhi first lesson ll be free inshaa allah . and after that you ll decide if you want to study or not And I use the board during the explanation and I have also PDF books . And the student can downloaded these books i teach all books like Madeena books and Oum AlKora books and Alarabia Bayna yadayek How many hours you want to be taught in a week In the end, where you live, my brother Thank you If you want to study send a messege to my email
June 17 at 09:16pm
Thelma Thelma On-skype persons study English with me. Aprenda Ingles conmigo
June 17 at 04:58pm
GabiAp GabiAp Hey guys! Please, help me learn english and I can teach you portuguese!
June 17 at 04:32pm
Arman_Engineer Arman_Engineer Does any advanced English learner want 2 practice?
June 17 at 12:33pm
Manenita Manenita hey there :D im Maria and i want to learn arabic.... if theres anyone who wants to learn either spanish or english, i will be glad to hel u guys :D xoxo from Colombia
June 17 at 12:16pm