Fluent Future
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Abdou100 Abdou100 I want to exchange ideas, having a good friends from different nationalities, especailly those who are good at Englsh.
July 17 at 06:19am
JamesKemp JamesKemp Bom Dia
July 17 at 04:19am
SunnyNam SunnyNam Hello!! ^^ Great to meet you!!
July 16 at 07:32pm
izogie izogie hello davids83 can we be friend. i want to learn how to speak italian and learn how to write in italy
July 16 at 02:29pm
sonilife sonilife nice to meet u there!
July 16 at 09:46am
JamesKemp JamesKemp i am trying to learn Portuguese as I have a House in the Algarve. I would be happy to help you learn Engish to.
July 16 at 08:11am
JamesKemp JamesKemp Ola,
July 16 at 08:10am
monicadee monicadee olá, kunnen wij elkaar helpen? ik ben een nederlandse die in portugal woont en wil graag goed portugees leren..ik beheers het nederlands erg goed..e fallo já um poco portugues ;-)
July 16 at 06:10am
jikjik jikjik bache kojaee?sanaz jan :))
July 16 at 03:46am
sanaz sanaz salam mamnonnnn
July 16 at 02:13am
feyo feyo hi Joohyun!
July 15 at 08:35pm
jikjik jikjik salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam chetoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
July 15 at 04:40pm
GGUFreedom GGUFreedom that's ok, just tell me when you have time for practice spanish ^^*
July 15 at 04:17pm
camabe camabe como estas..............
July 15 at 03:19pm
camabe camabe where are youfrom? Karenkim
July 15 at 03:01pm