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Manal2mohamed Manal2mohamed hello am manal from egypt am 23 years old in fact i wanna improve my english we can exchange our language ur english for my arabic if u like it plz send me msg plz i wanna improve it for serious not for fun it's for study or job i hope u are serious also to work hard together to help each other thank u :)
October 29 at 03:10pm
Ivan89 Ivan89 Hi, Isent you a message
October 29 at 12:40pm
Francelina Francelina hello
October 29 at 04:48am
Francelina Francelina hello
October 29 at 04:48am
mohit_0101 mohit_0101 please any one interested to help
October 28 at 01:05pm
Tibor Tibor Hello,nice to meet you!I am Tibor.I speak slovak,czech and I want to learn english.
October 28 at 10:03am
Olga-cat Olga-cat Я знаю русский, а английский ещё только изучаю.
October 28 at 01:09am
xiaoc417 xiaoc417 So, u still need somebody to teach u english, or just need someone to share the culture of native speakers?
October 27 at 05:44pm
xiaoc417 xiaoc417 Sorry, i was confused. When translated into English the sentence "Я учу английский язык" means "i teach English".
October 27 at 05:41pm
Olga-cat Olga-cat Я могу вам помочь с русским языком, а сама хотела бы учить английский.
October 27 at 01:46pm
linda505 I hope you are in atmosphere of peace and was very great to me when i found your profile in www.fluentfuture.com,my searching for a responsible and reliable person to have a good friendship with and here is my e-mail address which you can contact me ( linda1_weah@yahoo.co.uk ) and after that i promise to send u my pictures in my next mail for u to know who i am, and how i looks like, looking forward to hear from you. Miss. Linda linda1_weah@yahoo.co.uk
October 27 at 01:36pm
linda505 I hope you are in atmosphere of peace and was very great to me when i found your profile in www.fluentfuture.com,my searching for a responsible and reliable person to have a good friendship with and here is my e-mail address which you can contact me ( linda1_weah@yahoo.co.uk ) and after that i promise to send u my pictures in my next mail for u to know who i am, and how i looks like, looking forward to hear from you. Miss. Linda linda1_weah@yahoo.co.uk
October 27 at 01:35pm
xiaoc417 xiaoc417 I'm a native Chinese speaker and english is my second language. I'd like to learn Japanese, Spanish or Russian. Hope we can incooperate and earn what we need.
October 27 at 07:08am
SerenaVanderWoodsen7 SerenaVanderWoodsen7 Hello!I´d love to satart changing lenguaje, we can speak from skype 1 hour in english 1 hour spanish.If u want, tell me and we can share skype adress.
October 26 at 11:08am
redko redko If you can help me with my Russian, I'll help you with your English...
October 26 at 05:18am