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aprileve aprileve i need teacher to teach me english and mandarin :'c
May 31 at 08:37am
r2k1 r2k1 Hi i would be glad to help you. hope to talk to you soon.
May 31 at 07:30am
civilguaru2011 civilguaru2011 hola bien niña, Soy brasileño y estoy interesado en aprender su lengua materna que me va a ayudar, jeje. Vi que los que estudian el idioma protuguesa por cierto es un idioma hermoso, si usted necesita ayuda en algo solo pregunte. hasta luego
May 30 at 05:40pm
ConnorRundell ConnorRundell my skype is : ConnorRundelll and Windows Live Messenger is : ConnorRundell@hotmail.com
May 30 at 05:02pm
ConnorRundell ConnorRundell hi can u help me with your language please ? :)
May 30 at 05:02pm
ConnorRundell ConnorRundell i need to learn persian language / iranian ... just simple words phrases and short sentences
May 30 at 04:59pm
Farahameerah Farahameerah hello. :)
May 30 at 05:32am
Jeven Jeven i'm living in spain since 03, so , i think i have now quite good level of spanish, actually i'm looking for a language exchange to improve mu english' fluency. nice to meet you .
May 30 at 02:26am
ebra1392 ebra1392 Alsalamo Alykom..I am a teacher of Arabic language, I teach it for non-native speakers online . Is here any one want to learn Quran and Arabic? I know you myself: My name is Ibrahim. I holds a doctorate(PHD) in Arabic language. My nationality Egypt Please enter this email ebra1392@yahoo.com I am teaching Arabic online on skype My ID is : ebra1392 And I use some websites during explanining when I write some words you see it in your computer I teach it to many nationalities 'English ' French ' Germany….. etc I teach it with a suitable money. If there any Muslims want to learn im ready Akhi first lesson ll be free inshaa allah . and after that you ll decide if you want to study or not And I use the board during the explanation and I have also PDF books . And the student can downloaded these books i teach all books like Madeena books and Oum AlKora books and Alarabia Bayna yadayek first lesson free Ireceive money in the end of the course How many hours you want to be taught in a week In the end, where you live, my brother Thank you If you want to study send a messege to my email
May 29 at 08:26pm
ebra1392 ebra1392 Alsalamo Alykom..I am a teacher of Arabic language, I teach it for non-native speakers online . Is here any one want to learn Quran and Arabic? I know you myself: My name is Ibrahim. I holds a doctorate(PHD) in Arabic language. My nationality Egypt Please enter this email ebra1392@yahoo.com I am teaching Arabic online on skype My ID is : ebra1392 And I use some websites during explanining when I write some words you see it in your computer I teach it to many nationalities 'English ' French ' Germany….. etc I teach it with a suitable money. If there any Muslims want to learn im ready Akhi first lesson ll be free inshaa allah . and after that you ll decide if you want to study or not And I use the board during the explanation and I have also PDF books . And the student can downloaded these books i teach all books like Madeena books and Oum AlKora books and Alarabia Bayna yadayek first lesson free Ireceive money in the end of the course How many hours you want to be taught in a week In the end, where you live, my brother Thank you If you want to study send a messege to my email
May 29 at 08:24pm
Yoon Yoon Y megustaria estudiar con tigo! ~
May 29 at 08:03pm
Yoon Yoon Hello ! creo que si! yo puedo teensenar corean
May 29 at 08:03pm
Kasper Kasper J'ai besoin d'apprendre le français! Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider?
May 29 at 06:22pm
Kasper Kasper Want to learn French! ...and Swedish! French because i need and Swedish i haven´t thought about an Answer!!! lol
May 29 at 06:11pm
alexanderfinlayson alexanderfinlayson I speak English and want to learn arabic
May 29 at 02:01pm