Fluent Future
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unis01 unis01 HELLO good day my name is miss unis i hope fine it is my pleasure to rite you after viewing your profile on (www.fluentfuture.com) and i love it which really interest me in having communication/friendship with you and if you will have the desire with me i will like you to contact me back with my email address (unismambo1@yahoo.com) so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am remember color or distance does not matter even our age but love matters a lot in life because i have something very very important to tell you have a nice day. yours new friend unis.
October 02 at 05:55am
unis01 unis01 HELLO good day my name is miss unis i hope fine it is my pleasure to rite you after viewing your profile on (www.fluentfuture.com) and i love it which really interest me in having communication/friendship with you and if you will have the desire with me i will like you to contact me back with my email address (unismambo1@yahoo.com) so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am remember color or distance does not matter even our age but love matters a lot in life because i have something very very important to tell you have a nice day. yours new friend unis.
October 02 at 05:54am
Andreeann Andreeann Hello I speak french and i want to learn english
October 02 at 12:16am
doris4 doris4 doris4jombo@yahoo.com contact me through my email address My name is doris,i went through your profile today,i be become interested in you,i will like to know about you,contact me through my email, i will tell you about me and send you my picture here my mail (doris4jombo@yahoo.com ) from doris
September 30 at 09:43am
K2K2 K2K2 Hello All,i would like to Learn Polish
September 29 at 02:48am
Nette Nette Hello. How are you? Can you help me to learn Punjabi?
September 28 at 06:25pm
fatobaby fatobaby Hello. My name is Fato I was impressed when i saw your profile here and i will like you to email me to my inbox here (fato_konan@yahoo.com)so that will can exchange our languages and discuss areas of interest and to create some mutually beneficial relationships Please reply me back to able to send you my picture and tell you more about me. Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest. Fato.
September 28 at 05:48pm
fatobaby fatobaby Hello. My name is Fato I was impressed when i saw your profile here and i will like you to email me to my inbox here (fato_konan@yahoo.com)so that will can exchange our languages and discuss areas of interest and to create some mutually beneficial relationships Please reply me back to able to send you my picture and tell you more about me. Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest. Fato.
September 28 at 05:48pm
ssamiuddin1 ssamiuddin1 Hey y'all:)
September 28 at 09:09am
davetz davetz hello,new friends who want to learn swahili.i'm here now
September 28 at 08:13am
Aysha Aysha To love is nothing... to be loved is something.. but.. to love and to be loved is EVERYTHING! :D
September 28 at 01:43am
Caliel Caliel We can do it!I'd love to teach you!
September 27 at 08:24pm
yuki_nakamura yuki_nakamura please teach me japanese!
September 27 at 02:18pm
yuki_nakamura yuki_nakamura do anybody know how to speak japanese,i wanna exchange it with mandarin,cantonese or english,plz~ ^^
September 27 at 02:12pm
oliveiratal oliveiratal Hi, do you have skipe? add me on skipe: thiago.aloliveita (profile with photo). Thanks!!!
September 27 at 01:57pm