beccabeats Dear Mr. Parvaiz, I would like to learn to speak urdu, i don't know if you are interested in learning another language in exchange like english or spanish, just let me know what are the chances or if you have any recomendations, regards, rebecca.
June 26 at 01:38pm
capitancaraza HI, I would be more then happy to help you with your spanish!
June 26 at 09:33am
capitancaraza Hola, hablo español e ingles y me interesa aprender mas!!! Te si quieres practicar español, me pongo a tus ordenes! A mi me encantaria aprender Hungaro! Un Saludo!
June 26 at 09:30am
tessabela Congratulations! you did it at last! am glad. am ok, thanks.was out coupleof hours. how are you? aside from the relief of fixing that PC at last?