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Kimma2 Kimma2 Let's chatting at HELLO room!!!
June 30 at 05:56am
Ali24 Ali24 I can help anyone to learn persian and English, if some one can help me learn Arabic. Here is my email address safi_alizada@yahoo.com
June 30 at 05:34am
mmsan mmsan Hi , I cant help you to learn Persian. and i want to learn English. contact me if you want. mms.1404@yahoo.com
June 30 at 05:00am
dhel dhel Yes pls. can you help me? thanks.
June 30 at 12:39am
alexandre_adoliveira alexandre_adoliveira Hello! Nice to meet you! :)
June 29 at 05:35pm
Niepceron Niepceron Hey! So anyone who would like to teach me greek? german? frech? Actually, I would take any languages! haha
June 29 at 02:22pm
Ali24 Ali24 Hello, if anyone can teach me Arabic, please contact me at safi_alizada@yahoo.com.
June 29 at 10:54am
cres_rosas cres_rosas ¡Por supuesto que sí! Count on me!!!
June 29 at 10:04am
Kimma2 Kimma2 Let's chatting!!
June 29 at 07:27am
Arman_Engineer Arman_Engineer U're welcome!
June 29 at 01:36am
MaiaKane MaiaKane those that are filipinos and would be kind to teach me tagalog this is my email souen.inuzuka1@yahoo.com thank you n.n my name is Souen n.n
June 28 at 08:19pm
MaiaKane MaiaKane Plaese i want to learn Filipino(Tagalog)
June 28 at 07:54pm
tessabela tessabela Hi Arman, thank you ...
June 28 at 01:17pm
DylanR DylanR Greetings
June 28 at 05:11am
pierluigi71 pierluigi71 ciao il mio msn è windmistral@hotmail.it
June 28 at 02:31am