Fluent Future
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Ithalien Ithalien Hola quiero aprender italiano y aleman
July 06 at 02:01pm
Niepceron Niepceron You're welcome!
July 06 at 10:30am
Beavisx Beavisx Ciao, stai ancora imparando l'italiano? Se hai bisogno posso aiurti. Ciao!
July 06 at 10:23am
gabriel_alves gabriel_alves thank you for the request. : )
July 06 at 08:51am
hotjuwon hotjuwon Have you been Busan city? This city is.... Summer's city because of a beach hh
July 06 at 12:19am
essy2000 essy2000 Hello, My name is Esther, am a girl and please i really want to be your good friend, i hope that you will grant my request with good faith, thanks and i really care, you can have my private e-mail address below and please write to me to my e-mail address and i will send you my pictures and am promising you this with my good heart and we will talk and learn very well. ( estherdiane25@yahoo.in ) thanks and please bear with me. God bless.
July 05 at 05:39pm
essy2000 essy2000 Hello, My name is Esther, am a girl and please i really want to be your good friend, i hope that you will grant my request with good faith, thanks and i really care, you can have my private e-mail address below and please write to me to my e-mail address and i will send you my pictures and am promising you this with my good heart and we will talk and learn very well. ( estherdiane25@yahoo.in ) thanks and please bear with me. God bless.
July 05 at 05:38pm
valente valente hi i can teach you english just add me on skype valente5898
July 05 at 04:44pm
flaviozsam flaviozsam if you need some help in italian, maybe I can help you man
July 05 at 04:15pm
Trojan69 Trojan69 ciao come stai? My name is Fabrizio
July 05 at 01:49pm
YAMANI YAMANI I wish to complete my studing in finland with english programmes , so i should learn english seriously please how can you advice me ?? my level is B1 as i think , i should reach to C1 level as soos as possible
July 05 at 12:12pm
GGUFreedom GGUFreedom tell me when do you have time, ok ? ^^
July 05 at 11:20am
AlexAleman AlexAleman learn German with a native German tutor, me :)
July 05 at 10:09am
AlexAleman AlexAleman learn German with a native German tutor, me :)
July 05 at 10:09am
hotjuwon hotjuwon hey where are you..if you see this plz contact me :)
July 05 at 08:11am