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naseerkhan naseerkhan hi
July 11 at 05:38pm
storres storres If you like to learn spanish or practice your english I will exchange it for the mandarin. Can contact me at torres.sara@yahoo.com. Thanks
July 11 at 12:45pm
storres storres I can teach spanish and I love to learn mandarin and french
July 11 at 12:18pm
dherbert dherbert i'm a language teacher.I want to teach Portuguese!!Who wants to learn? Contact me: dherbert.diego@gmail.com
July 11 at 07:15am
irene58 irene58 Ok then it won't be really hard.I assume that as a student here you need to read and write in greek..hmmm...when are you available?
July 11 at 04:09am
glauco_rbr glauco_rbr Hallo.. ich suche von Deutsch Studenten, ich kann portuguese lehren.. glauco_rbr@hotmail.com
July 10 at 08:14pm
GGUFreedom GGUFreedom Hi, God bless you!! I can help you with your spanish, just for help
July 10 at 11:51am
thiagobanassy thiagobanassy learning to speak Portuguese, in return I want to learn British English
July 10 at 11:46am
thiagobanassy thiagobanassy hello I want to learn to speak British English. Poso in exchange for help spoke Portuguese
July 10 at 11:44am
aliyah aliyah Hello :) I'd love to find spanisch speaking people, to improve my spanisch. I've been learning spanisch for 4 years, but I never had someone to speak to ... ! I can offer my german :D
July 10 at 04:48am
E-youssef E-youssef hi, i can help you to improve your french in exchange for a littel bit of your english
July 09 at 03:16pm
adri123 adri123 hi. i would like to learn french and german is there anyone who could help me???
July 09 at 01:59pm
nsud nsud i want to learn greek. but i am a poor man
July 09 at 01:58pm
nsud nsud well i am a student in greece. though my work is in greece and i have passed a lesson in grek but i was not serious. I cant make sentences and i want to speak it well. i wan tto try hard
July 09 at 01:51pm
taunoko27 taunoko27 I everybody I want to learn Urdu
July 09 at 12:09pm