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NikGreek NikGreek Γεία σου (Hello) My name is Nikos, 34 years old, I'm Greek I live and work in beautiful Greece and studying at university Greek open I would like to improve my bad English, and I try to teach Greek I will be happy to talk with you
April 22 at 10:54am
NikGreek NikGreek Hello everybody!!
April 22 at 10:41am
sophiesophiet sophiesophiet Hello Hossal! Let me know if you need any help!
April 20 at 02:50pm
April 20 at 11:46am
dianafaye Hello, my name is Diana i will like to be your friend, please send your email address to my box,(dianamartinfaye@yahoo.com) so that i will send my photo to you and tell you more about me, i want for your soonest reply, have a nice day.
April 19 at 09:12pm
hossal hossal hello
April 19 at 12:15pm
tiagodiazz tiagodiazz I'm learning english, looking for english spoken people that want to learn portuguese so we could exchange languar ;) add my msn if you're interested tiagodias@live.com
April 19 at 10:04am
annadavid anna_david@rocketmail.com
April 19 at 07:57am
annadavid Hello Friend How are you? Guess fine. First, my name is Anna, I'm young good looking girl,kind and friendly.Well i saw your profile and I decided to drop you a note.Meanwhile could you write me something more about yourself while i get back at you including my picture? Contact me through my private address.(anna.david93@yahoo.com) Have a very wonderful day. Thanks, Anna kiss with love and trust
April 19 at 07:54am
Arleksovich Arleksovich Hallo Stefan! ich heisse Christian und ich lebe in Kolumbien! ich möchte Deutsch lernen, und ich denke ich kann dich helfen mit spanish lernen! :) Mein Skype: Chris08160 oder facebook: cristiantaty@hotmail.com! Danke schön
April 18 at 01:03pm
shakeel shakeel hi hw r u. i am intersted to teach u urdu.
April 18 at 06:45am
ufar ufar Assalaam o Alaykum.. I am on line CERTIFIED (MUJAWWID)Quran& Arabic teacher who is available at everyone's home through Internet. I teach through Skype and use different screen sharing Software as Mikogo for Mushaf and I teach in different languages such as English, Arabic, Urdu, etc. And I am also teaching in USA and Canada many students on Internet and I give free trail classes. If you are interested or anyone interested please let me know as my Skype id is "systsyst2" wassalaam S.M.S
April 17 at 05:13pm
qanus qanus you can add me on skype : qaniss
April 16 at 03:28pm
qanus qanus ...
April 16 at 03:27pm
lilo14 lilo14 hello!
April 16 at 02:27pm