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Xinni I think i should find a teacher that we can arrange the time and do language exchange. I can teach you Chinese, and you can teach me English or German!!! please give me a teacher!!
June 08 at 08:24am
Xinni I think i should find a teacher that we can arrange the time and do language exchange. I can teach you Chinese, and you can teach me English or German!!! please give me a teacher!!
June 08 at 08:24am
Juliprest Hi Friends,I am willing to teach any one English,Can you teach me French?That will be so great!
June 08 at 04:08am
valente it's ok.. anyway i just want to have more friends...
June 07 at 08:27pm
gabrielmivd Someone can teach me english or japanese? I can teach portuguese
June 07 at 05:30pm
HellowThurman hey, it would be geat if you could teach me!
June 07 at 05:12pm
Jasminejin I'm Jasmine and Korean. I would love to teach you Korean if you don't mind my english.
June 07 at 05:04pm
Jasminejin Well, if you can teach me english that would be wonderful but you know I can't teach you Korean even Potuguese. Will that be o.k.?? Anyway thanks for asking be friends.