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RamonMagia Hello, I'm from Venezuela, I have domaine on English and Spanish, and I'm Interested on learn French so if you are interested we can chat and get learning :) Saludos
April 17 at 12:53am
RamonMagia Hello, I'm from Venezuela, I have domaine on English and Spanish, and I'm Interested on learn French so if you are interested we can chat and get learning :) Saludos
fendoucong I am a chinese girl who comes from northeast of china. i speak mandarin fluently.i would like to exchange language with you .please contact me .thanks a million
April 16 at 06:21am
takoyaky Sure I love to talk to you! Do u use Skype? My ID is takoyaky25~ plz add me ^^
April 15 at 09:25pm
takoyaky sure I hav Skype ^^ takoyaky25 is my ID..add me kk
April 15 at 01:22pm
CarinaCardoso16 i speak portuguese, i can portuguese to help the "Copa do Mundo" World Cup.. :)