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-Natt613- Definitely don't mind! Hablas mejor en Espa~ol, English, Ou Português?
March 24 at 11:46pm
mpiglo help m learn how 2 speak and write swahilin pliz hope wil benefit frm diz website
March 24 at 11:42pm
fofan Hi everybody ! I am looking forward to teach and exchange ideas about learning foreign languages especially Berber , E
March 24 at 06:06pm
ErikHayner Hello all. I'm looking for someone to speak any of the foreign languages I know with me. I speak French, Spanish, German, and Russian (in that order, ha). If anyone would like any help in Spanish, French, or English let me know.
lvoo hello people!! im want to learn portuguese, spanish and italian!
March 24 at 02:15pm
Ahmedsobhy hello I can help you in Arabic.I have a teaching material we can go through it this is my skype : ahmedsobhykanoma add me ahmed
March 24 at 01:53pm
Arman_Engineer Yeah... she was Indonesian originally... My FB is Arman Ahmadian... And I'm used to teaching elementary learners farsi... so no worries! :)