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Andreeann Andreeann hello I speak french and i want to learn english
October 16 at 09:13pm
gustmachado gustmachado olá
October 15 at 05:06pm
gustmachado gustmachado hello people!
October 15 at 04:45pm
Camille Camille Привет :)
October 15 at 04:06am
JoChile JoChile send me ur msn or skype please :)
October 14 at 02:27pm
serahx serahx Hola, mi nombre es sera, vi tu perfil hoy me decidí a contactar con usted para solicitar la amistad, por favor, responda a mi correo personal si se acepta mi solicitud de amistad para que voy a escribir más acerca de mí y envía a mi imagen para usted. ESTE ES MI CORREO ELECTRONICO (serahgamuf@yahoo.com) estoy esperando su correo electrónico pronto. La señorita Sera
October 14 at 10:26am
serahx serahx Hola, mi nombre es sera, vi tu perfil hoy me decidí a contactar con usted para solicitar la amistad, por favor, responda a mi correo personal si se acepta mi solicitud de amistad para que voy a escribir más acerca de mí y envía a mi imagen para usted. ESTE ES MI CORREO ELECTRONICO (serahgamuf@yahoo.com) estoy esperando su correo electrónico pronto. La señorita Sera
October 14 at 10:25am
isistrindade isistrindade I'm trying to practice english in social networks too.If you think that's a good idea,follow me here http://bit.ly/rgPZgS
October 14 at 03:34am
hyman5200 hyman5200 english Chinese Mandarine language exchanges
October 14 at 01:34am
hyman5200 hyman5200 my emai:micky_xiao@yeah.net ,please contact me
October 13 at 03:18am
hyman5200 hyman5200 hi,maybe we could be friend, I want to stuy english,and u mandarin
October 13 at 03:17am
prietor1 prietor1 Hi, I would like to learn Spanish. I can help you if you want to learn English.
October 11 at 09:14pm
crownedinbeauty crownedinbeauty こんにちは My name is Nikki and I'm learning Japanese. Would love to talk to native Japanese speakers and/or help you with your English!!
October 11 at 02:15pm
giovanamaia giovanamaia Olá, quero aprender Inglês e posso te ajudar a aprender Português....
October 11 at 01:50pm
igorlt igorlt Skype: igor.tolentino
October 11 at 12:45pm