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KatyaOmelianova Hi! I am Katya. I just singed up. I was wondering if you could help me to learn Swedish and I in return could help with Russian. So what do you think?
December 10 at 08:56am
KatyaOmelianova Hi! I am Katya. I just singed up. I was wondering if you could help me to learn Swedish and I in return could help with Russian. So what do you think?
Volunteer_Coordination Hi everyone! :) How are you doing? Let´s volunteer! Oi todo mundo! Tudo bem? Que tal participar da nossa comunidade de voluntários para ensinar Inglês para crianças no Brasil? :)
December 09 at 12:24pm
nonie114 Hi i'm Irish,looking to learn Spanish,,can teach English in return! :) Chat soon hopefully ;)