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andrebp Hello there! I can help you with portuguese (mainly brazilian, but we can try european) in exchange for german (any variety of Hochdeutsch)
February 08 at 09:18am
Elliekelly Hallo :) Ich moechte Arabisch lernen und biete Deutsch an :)
February 07 at 02:51pm
Treeworker Hi, I speak german and I am looking for a native speakerto improve my english. I can teach you in german.
February 07 at 11:42am
richardg1 Hey guys, I am Chinese and I wish I could find some friends (female preferred) who could teach me English or Japanese, thanks. I can teach you madarin. :)
February 06 at 05:20pm
Chen I speak Chinese und want to learn German. I will be pleasant to receive your apply.