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yuliani_smile11 hai iam yuli from indonesia.i would like learn english and find friends from another country ,learn another cultur.this is my email or ym August 22 at 03:31am |
ALICE111 Daje mi to wielką przyjemność napisać do was po obejrzeniu profil, który naprawdę dobrze mówić o sobie, które naprawdę mnie interesują mieć komunikacji z Tobą jeśli masz chęć ze mną, będziemy mogli się wzajemnie poznać i zobaczyć, co dzieje się w przyszłości . Będę bardzo szczęśliwy jeśli możesz napisać do mnie poprzez moje id e-mail ( do najłatwiejszych komunikacji, i dla mnie, aby wysłać moje zdjęcie dla Ciebie i również powiedzieć więcej o sobie mieć piękny dzień. It gives me a great pleasure to write you after viewing a profile that really speak good about you which really interest me to have communication with you if you will have the desire with me, we can get to know each other and see what happens in future. I will be very happy if you can write me through my email id ( for easiest communication, and for me to send my picture to you and also tell you more about myself have a lovely day ahead. August 19 at 08:09am |
Charan Can teach English, Hindi & Telugu August 17 at 12:59pm |
Charan Here to learn German August 17 at 12:59pm |
favour1010 HELLO My name is miss favour,i saw your account profile in this site today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email direct to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address( I believe we can move from here!i am waiting for your mail to my email address above favour. Please i have something secret and important to tell you try to contact me back. i still hope for your reply on my email. ( (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in life) from Favour. August 16 at 02:08pm |
favour1010 HELLO My name is miss favour,i saw your account profile in this site today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email direct to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address( I believe we can move from here!i am waiting for your mail to my email address above favour. Please i have something secret and important to tell you try to contact me back. i still hope for your reply on my email. ( (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in life) from Favour. August 16 at 02:07pm |
chlee Hi, I would like to improve my English. I can help you with Cantonese and Mandarin. August 16 at 01:55pm |
spark163 Hi, i want improove my English. And i can improove your Russian ) My skype spark1632 August 15 at 04:01pm |
spark163 Hi, i want improove my English. And i can improove your Russian ) My skype spark1632 August 15 at 04:00pm |
nancylove24 Hello My name is miss nancy i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email address ( believe we can move from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.miss nancy .(Remember the distance age or color does not matter but love matters allot in life) Please reply me with my email address here ( August 15 at 09:51am |
Vieronica Hello Brandon! i speak russian and would like to have some practice in speaking english. so, i'd be glad to communicate with you some day for mutual practice. August 15 at 09:15am |
lucineia Oi estou precisando muito aprender ingles e gostaria de ajuda de voces se possivel. August 14 at 05:35pm |
hebingliang hello,I am He Bingliang,male,I come from mainland of China,I majored in Chinese(mandarin)during college study,would you like to make a language exchange with me?;skype:hebingliang123 August 14 at 06:04am |
hebingliang hello,I am He Bingliang,male,I come from mainland of China,I majored in Chinese(mandarin)during college study,would you like to make a language exchange with me?;skype:hebingliang123 August 14 at 06:02am |