Fluent Future
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julia2206 julia2206 Hi!I´m new here in fluentfuture and I´m searching for an English native speaker who would like to practice some English via chat or skype with me.At the moment I don´t have skype but I will make up an account in the next days. I´m looking forward to hearing from you :)
July 23 at 10:33am
nbaby nbaby Hi, am Angela by name and i was happy to see your profile here and became interested. i want a serious loving and caring man for a true honest and kind relationship. if you don't mind, please send me an email to my private email here (msangel259@yahoo.co.uk) I will tell you everything about me with my photos ok. i wait for your mail. bye Ms Angela
July 23 at 08:31am
nbaby nbaby Hi, am Angela by name and i was happy to see your profile here and became interested. i want a serious loving and caring man for a true honest and kind relationship. if you don't mind, please send me an email to my private email here (msangel259@yahoo.co.uk) I will tell you everything about me with my photos ok. i wait for your mail. bye Ms Angela
July 23 at 08:31am
willkim willkim hi nice meet u^^.
July 23 at 05:40am
mostafa1983 mostafa1983 por favor brazilisn portuguss
July 23 at 03:44am
irishlass95 irishlass95 hi!!!
July 22 at 05:39pm
bodour bodour hi, my skye name is: bodour02 and my email is: bodour1402@hotmail.com let us know each other.
July 22 at 05:34pm
bodour bodour can we be friend?
July 22 at 05:30pm
misterkel misterkel i'm more than glad
July 22 at 03:41pm
damianwierz damianwierz ich suche jemanden mit wem auf Deutsch sprechen konnte
July 22 at 03:41pm
damianwierz damianwierz Hallo, bei mir ganz gut:)
July 22 at 03:40pm
tessabela tessabela hallo, wie geht es dir?
July 22 at 02:44pm
kaymars9 kaymars9 Is there anybody to help me for german language?
July 22 at 02:40pm
dongice dongice 수아씨도 테니스를 하시는군요!
July 22 at 12:50pm
joybaby joybaby Hello, My name is joy i saw your profile here (fluentfuture.com) today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more and establish a relationship that is basses on truth and trust with you i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address joy_karume50@yahoo.com. I am waiting for your mail to my email address above please i have something very very important i will like to tell you..I believe we can start from here! Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in life. joy.... joy_karume50@yahoo.com
July 22 at 11:10am