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Utkan Hi y'all! I would like to practice/learn french. I can teach English in return:) April 17 at 10:11pm |
Natsuki101 Hey! I like comics too but I sit almost all day reading mangas (^,^) April 17 at 07:31pm |
mildredbaby How are you today? And how about your family? My name is miss Mildred ( I am happy to contact you through your profile here and I really want to have a good friendship with you.I will be very happy,If you can get back to me, through my e-mail address ( So we can get to know each other better,and i will give you my pictures and all so tell you more about my self, NP....Please write to my email direct ( ) not in this site thanks. April 17 at 11:43am |
mildredbaby How are you today? And how about your family? My name is miss Mildred ( I am happy to contact you through your profile here and I really want to have a good friendship with you.I will be very happy,If you can get back to me, through my e-mail address ( So we can get to know each other better,and i will give you my pictures and all so tell you more about my self, NP....Please write to my email direct ( ) not in this site thanks. April 17 at 11:42am |
goodlove12 Hello How are you today? I wish you will have the desire to write me back through my email at samirajamal3 for easiest communication. from miss samira. April 17 at 10:25am |
goodlove12 hi dear, how are you doing? i am samira,i saw your profile today and it touches me to seek for your hands in friendship, if only you don't mind. remember that in a true relationship,nothing can obstruct it. i am a honest girl and i wish to have a sincere relationship with you. for more information and more photo sharing,please contact directly to my email address ( thanks for accepting to be my friend. expecting your respond! from yours sincere friend... Samira de gr8.. April 17 at 10:23am |
pika hi!natsuki!i likeanime&comics,too. April 17 at 04:38am |
pika hello! April 17 at 04:28am |
ahmed_magdy Hi there, so I read/write/listen really good English...My problem with speaking, am not if you could help in exchange of my arabic which is perfect that would be great April 16 at 08:24pm |
ahmed_magdy Hi there, so I read/write/listen really good English...My problem with speaking, am not if you could help in exchange of my arabic which is perfect that would be great April 16 at 08:24pm |
laowai I am an American teacher who has 5 years teaching experience who is offering lessons online via skype , the first lesson is for free ( 30 minutes ) I offer 30 minutes lesson for 5$ April 16 at 03:47pm |
theclaire1 hey let me know if ud like to learn:) April 16 at 12:46pm |
lucie2000 hello how are you today i am miss Lucie i will like to make friendship with you and i want to know more about about yourself and i will tell you about my self i will send you my picture so that you will know whom i am , when i hear from you thanks waiting to hear from you miss Lucie April 16 at 06:59am |