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ufar ufar I can teach you all of related to Urdu
July 25 at 12:22am
ufar ufar Yes I use Skype.
July 25 at 12:06am
isismagia isismagia Buenas noches señor dongice - good night Mr dongice. Es un placer conocerlo - nice to meet you.
July 24 at 09:26pm
Diego_Melo Diego_Melo Hi, I´m brazilian guy and I´l like to change experiences in english and to learn spanish and Hindu. Hugs.
July 24 at 07:07pm
Nilusha Nilusha can u talk in italian
July 24 at 12:02pm
Nilusha Nilusha hi
July 24 at 11:52am
chann chann Hi hello every body i'm a student so they are can teaching me i went to leane forieng langue. friech english japan...
July 24 at 09:25am
damiany2k damiany2k Hi! I'm teaching spanish/portuguese online. I would like you to invite you to a free first lesson. If you're interested let me know.
July 24 at 09:15am
damiany2k damiany2k Hi! I'm teaching spanish/portuguese online. I would like you to invite you to a free first lesson. If you're interested let me know.
July 24 at 09:15am
damianrosario damianrosario Hi! I want to learn some swedish and I can help you practice your spanish/english. If you're interested skype me (damianrosario2000) :D
July 24 at 09:10am
damianrosario damianrosario Hi! I want to learn some swedish and I can help you practice your spanish/english. If you're interested skype me (damianrosario2000) :D
July 24 at 09:09am
bistasaru bistasaru nice
July 24 at 02:48am
tessabela tessabela ich wohne in freiburg
July 24 at 12:08am
AlexAleman AlexAleman Guten Tag Amjadjarrar, let´s chat on skype for your German Skype classes: "german-language-support". Hab einen schönen Tag! Schönen Gruss, Alexander
July 23 at 12:03pm
violinlin violinlin hi~
July 23 at 10:51am