Fluent Future
jcstjean from Ontario, Canada
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Username: jcstjean
Cost per hour: US$ 15.00
Speaks: French
Teaches: French
Teaching Level: Beginner
Paypal: Yes
Relationship status: Single
Gender: Male
Age: 0
Country: Canada  (GMT - 8)
City: Ontario, Canada
J'ai parle Francais toute ma vie
j'enseigne le francais maintenant.I spoke French all my life. I teach French now
Hobbies & interests:
Voyagez vers la plage, jouer de la musique "guitare ", etudier, medecine alternative, videographie, photographie, faire beaucoup d'ami
Bonjour mon nom est Jean-Claude (JC) for short, originally from Montreal and I have spoken French all my life, even today as a French teacher in Ontario, Canada

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Last login: 01.10.2009
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leselle leselle Bonjour Jean-Claude, I am an Australian trying to study the French language, which I have done for several years. I live in a country town where there are no language teachers and wish to carry on with studying the language. Can you help please.
May 21 at 05:16am