You could try a technique called "shadowing". Listen to spoken English (Youtube, on a CD, etc.), pause after each sentence and repeat what you have heard. Keep repeating the sentences until you say exactly what is said. Then you'll be perfect in no time! ^_^
(mariampatrick90@yahoo.co.uk) i will like you to contact me in email or you can give me your email to contact you there not in site , My name is miss Mariam i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email address(mariampatrick90@yahoo.co.uk)
watch a lot of english movies with subtitles(in english) and also try to repeat little phrases. Also sing at loud (it always works)
I can relate with you because I myself is struggling with my Spanish. It is the language that I am learning now. I think it is really a big help if you can find someone to practice your English with.
Good luck! :)
I suggest reading short stories in the language you are learning :D
added by Aboli on Jul 02 at 04:47am
You should read the english text out loud. For this,your oral, visual and olfactory (hearing) senses are used at the same time which helps the brain to grasp the information quickly and stays in your long term memory. Thank you!