Fluent Future
added by fatsoela on May 29 at 02:26pm
Greek | Question: translation
ou kai na ginei den tha papsw pote na e ayouw
added by SuperSlim on Jul 17 at 07:59am

(whatever) will happen i will never stop to (listen) to you

added by fatsoela on Jul 17 at 08:08am

thank you very much I tought it was waiting

added by Lena-teacher on Aug 20 at 05:34am

ÏŒ, τι και να γίνει, δε θα πάψω ποτέ να σε ακούω

added by fatsoela on Aug 20 at 09:04am

What ever happens it will never cease to hear or what ever happens I will never stop to listen to you ??? 

What will be the right frase than ?

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