Fluent Future
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Volunteer_Coordination Volunteer_Coordination Hi everyone! What about teaching basic English to our kids in Brazil? It would be really great if any of you could make a difference! Tks. Have a nice week. :)
May 21 at 08:45am
Volunteer_Coordination Volunteer_Coordination I am deeply grateful to FF volunteer community for the great help they´ve given to the mudslides victimized people of my city. Thank you very much. :)
February 09 at 06:04am
Volunteer_Coordination Volunteer_Coordination "If you want to change the world, be that change." --Ghandi Thank you, volunteers. :)
October 11 at 07:23am
commented on the exercise text for collective review by fabrizzio
September 20 at 12:15am
commented on the exercise text for collective review by fabrizzio
September 20 at 12:15am
We aim to provide youths from poor families in Teresopolis, Brazil with a second language as a tool to improve future employability. By volunteering as a fluentfuture online tutor, you can change the lives of many youths who are pass...
Social Responsibility We are committed to the provision of first class language education via the Internet by creating a vibrant volunteer community offering online tutoring to students in need across borders & backgrounds. fluentfuture...
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